Parks may utilize the best dates that work with their particular park. We ask that all series events are finished by July 31st
Features Qualifying Series: Open to all operating public full size and two tower parks.
1-4 Events
Park Qualifying Series: Open to all operating public full size parks.
1-4 Events
WWA Wake Park National Championships at Shark Wake Park
August 8-11, 2024
Men and Women Park Divisions:
- Rookie Boys (must not have had a park membership before 1/1/2024)
- ≤10 Boys
- 11-13 Boys
- ≤13 Boys Elite
- 14-15 Boys
- 16-17 Boys
- ≤17 Boys Elite
- 18+ Men
- 30+ Men
- 40+ Men
- Pro/Open Men
- Rookie Girls (must not have had a park membership before 1/1/2024)
- ≤13 Girls
- 14-17 Girls
- ≤17 Girls Elite
- 18+ Women
- Pro/Open Women
- Amateur Wakeskate
- Open Wakeskate
- Adaptive Sit Wakeboard
- Adaptive Stand Wakeboard
Men and Women Features Divisions:
- Rookie Boys (must not have had a park membership before 1/1/2024)
- ≤10 Boys
- 11-13 Boys
- ≤13 Boys Elite
- 14-15 Boys
- 16-17 Boys
- ≤17 Boys Elite
- 18+ Men
- 30+ Men
- 40+ Men
- Pro/Open Men
- Rookie Girls (must not have had a park membership before 1/1/2024)
- ≤13 Girls
- 14-17 Girls
- ≤17 Girls Elite
- 18+ Women
- Pro/Open Women
Park Format:
Important notes: Must have 2 kickers off the dock.
- 1 lap + 1 kicker (designated air trick sections)
- 2 kickers, 2-3 air tricks, 3-4 rails
- Two Runs, no Pickups
- Best run counts
- Broken into 3 sections. Score 1-10 for each section. Sections have unique percentages.
- 3 judges give a score for each section. Scores are averaged together. 1 Scribe writing runs (if needed).
- Composition penalized as you go
- DRIVE Format (Difficulty, Risk, Intensity, Variety, Execution)
Amatuer Features Format:
- Timed jam format
- Features only
- If you fall, you must make your way back to the dock to restart (time is still ticking)
- 5 feature sections
- Best hit on each section counts
- Section judge ranks riders 1st to last on each section
- Preset points for each section based on your placement
- Judged on Execution and Difficulty
Elite and Pro/Open Features Format:
- Round 1: amateur format
- Rest of event: Run based Jam (best run in a given time)
- Designated beginning and end of run
- Best run counts
- Score 1-100 for each run on overall impression. Best run counts
- 3 judges each give a score for each rider. Scores are averaged together.
- EDC Format (Execution, Difficulty, Composition)
The USWL is a culmination of the WWA’s wisdom, my experience on and off the water, and the insights we have gathered from our participants/families to reimagine what a sustainable National Wake League can look like that provides an incredible experience for our participants, benefits the local and national communities, and is the foundation that we can build off of for the next 30+ years.

John Dreiling
Director of Wake Park Operations at The WWA